About Us

Laurel and Mike in front of Spaceship Earth

When those post-Disney trip blues hit hard, everyone has their go-to coping mechanism. Whether it's watching Encanto on repeat in bed, devouring 3 bags of Karamell-Kuche while sobbing, or immediately placing a Shop Disney order for those souvenirs you "forgot" to buy, everyone has their way to get through those first dark days back in the real world.

While we're usually in the category that fills the void with alllllll the Disney snacks we can fit in our suitcase, this time felt different. We finally got to take our post-pandemic WDW honeymoon in February 2022 and when we got home, we were determined to find a way to incorporate that Disney magic into everyday life. Thanks to a bit of an aha moment and the pandemic bringing the true meaning of life into focus, the idea for Happiest Puzzles on Earth was born!

While Laurel is definitely the jigsaw puzzle addict of the two, Mike is still a faithful "border man" and loves to help her get started. He also loves putting in the last piece much to Laurel's dismay. We hope our small shop brings you as much joy as it has brought us! Enjoy puzzling around the world ;) 

Laurel and Mike Pollock